Building Bridges, Changing the World


I am a passionate educator, teaching composition and creative writing with a focus on amplifying marginalized voices and inspiring social change through impactful written and multimodal communication.

Selected Courses

ESL Workshop

Teaching academic English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), specializing in helping international students adjust to U.S. college writing styles, while enhancing their own unique voices. Major assignments include a Childhood Memoir, Translation Literacy Narrative, and Researched Essay. (University of Pittsburgh)

Reading and Writing for Academic Success

Working with first generation, non-traditional, and other students on the basics of college reading and writing, to set them up for success. Major assignments include a Reading Response, Place Profile, and Final Reflective Essay. (Utah Tech University)

Introduction to Writing

Teaching First Year Composition with a focus on multimodal, public, and impactful communication for college and beyond. Major Assignments include a Literacy Narrative, Research Paper, Zine Remix, and Artist Statement. (Utah Tech University)

Seminar in Composition: Gender Studies

Tailoring a FYC course for students interested in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. Major assignments include a Rhetorical Analysis, Researched Essay, Manifesto, and Final Zine Remix. (University of Pittsburgh)

Writing Pedagogy

Co-teaching a graduate-level course on writing pedagogy, including an overview of pedagogical theories and hands-on teaching opportunities for future first-year writing instructors and writing center tutors. (Naropa University)

Interpretation and Argument

Teaching a one-semester FYC course focused on rhetorical and genre moves as well as proposing, conducting, and writing about research. Major Assignments include a Comparative Genre Analysis, Research Proposal, and Researched Contribution. (Carnegie Mellon University)

Poetic Curation and Archive

Community course for poets, writers, and artists on the practices of curating and archiving with a polytemporal framework. Workshop members worked on their own projects based on generative prompts in this one-week, fully only and asynchronous course. (collective.aporia)

Writing Arguments

Upper level course in Public and Professional Writing program. Major Assignments include a Multimodal Rhetorical Analysis using Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), Exploratory Essay drawing upon invitational or collaborative rhetorical strategies, Op Ed, and Personal Statement or Cover Letter. (University of Pittsburgh)

Zine Workshop

Facilitating a workshop for 25 high school students from immigrant and refugee backgrounds about zines, in which participants learned how to make zines, created content off of daily prompts, and curated and bound their own zines. (ARYSE)


Want to know more? Check out my CV .